Immerse yourself in the magical world of Harry Potter™ with this captivating LEGO® BrickHeadz™ set featuring three iconic characters from the beloved film series: the infamous Dark Lord Voldemort™, his deadly snake Nagini, and his most loyal follower, Bellatrix Lestrange. This set offers a unique opportunity to recreate the villains of the Harry Potter™ universe in detailed LEGO® BrickHeadz™ form. Each model is meticulously crafted, showcasing the distinctive features of the characters, from Voldemort's menacing expression to Nagini's sleek form and Bellatrix's wild hair and dark attire. Ideal for collectors and fans of the series, this set is a must-have for anyone looking to welcome the dark side of magic into their LEGO® universe. With a total of 344 pieces, this set provides an enjoyable building experience and makes an impressive addition to any BrickHeadz™ collection. Proudly display this sinister trio or use them to complete your Harry Potter™ collection. A perfect gift for LEGO® enthusiasts and Harry Potter™ fans of all ages. For consumers in the EU, there is an online dispute resolution (ODR) platform available at: We do not participate in alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The term LEGO® is legally protected. The use of the trademark is solely for the purpose of clearly identifying the product and does not intend to infringe on any rights. Please note that taxes and customs fees may apply to international sales.
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